[CS16 - STEAM] Update Steam
Posted 15 February 2013 - 10:50 PM

Posted 15 February 2013 - 11:46 PM

Iar csstrike nu stiu unde sa-l gasesc, In Steam/SteamApps nu mai este foldeurl cu , contul , iar cstrike nu e de gasit .
Stie cineva cum rezolv amandoua probleme ?

Posted 15 February 2013 - 11:57 PM

Posted 16 February 2013 - 12:17 AM

Posted 16 February 2013 - 10:08 AM

Posted 16 February 2013 - 11:24 AM

Eu crek ma *^% in el steam+cs si ma bag la mario
Te-as ruga sa pastrezi un limbaj elevat pe forum

Posted 16 February 2013 - 11:58 AM

Oricum , am trecut pe valve momentan
Posted 16 February 2013 - 12:01 PM

Posted 16 February 2013 - 12:07 PM

Posted 16 February 2013 - 12:15 PM

Posted 16 February 2013 - 03:05 PM

Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:23 PM

Posted 16 February 2013 - 05:49 PM

Set launch options : -nofboAm reinstalat Steam-ul + CS si acum in joc imi arata in modul urmator : [ vedeti in ss mai jos ]
Iar csstrike nu stiu unde sa-l gasesc, In Steam/SteamApps nu mai este foldeurl cu , contul , iar cstrike nu e de gasit .
Stie cineva cum rezolv amandoua probleme ?
Edited by ken., 16 February 2013 - 06:30 PM.
- AdE likes this
Posted 16 February 2013 - 06:07 PM

DAR, mi-au umblat la mouse. Pana acum jucam cu sens 1.1 (800dpi). Ma intorceam 180 grade din 1-maxim2 miscari. Acum am nevoie de 5-6-7 miscari sa ma intorc. Cand ma bat cu cineva la distanta, imi face exact invers. Nu pot sa pun tinta pe om, se misca mult prea rapid. Am scos acceleratie din windows, am pus cpl fix, am instalat driver pt mouse, am schimbat setarile prin el si degeaba. Pur si simplu nu mai pot pune tinta pe om, imi merge in toate partile. Iar daca e aproape, pana ma intorc eu .. imi iau 10 cutite.
Chestia cu mousegrab, era 1, am pus 0. Degeaba. Tot la fel imi face. Solutii ?
PS : Alta problema e si cand joc KZ. Au crescut fps-urile considerabil. Si degeaba scot vsync din joc, si imi pun 100 fps. Se misca incet. Parca as avea 200 fps si developer 1. Iar pe serverele de kz, nici nu mai apar pe acolo la stats. Serverul considera ca am cheaturi. Developer si fps peste 100. Deci am pus fps_max 98, apar cu 99-100 constant. Si totusi simt de parca as avea 150-200, + developer. Foarte aiurea....
Edited by Cosmin-, 16 February 2013 - 06:17 PM.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 08:22 PM

Client Update - Valve
- Added support for Linux
- Offline messaging: You can now send messages to users who are offline. They will receive the message when they next log in
- Opening a chat dialog with a friend will show some recent chat history
- A web chat interface is available, you can find it by navigating to the Steam Community Friend Activity page in your web browser
- Added a caps lock warning indicator to the login dialog password textbox
- Added support for better content sharing between games
- Improved performance and responsiveness of client UI
- Improved startup time for users with large screenshot folders
- Prevent users from selecting an invalid screenshots folder
- Suspend all downloads automatically when a game is launched
- Added third party Mod support for games on new content system
- Big Picture: Users can now add wallet funds and authorize microtransactions
- Big Picture: In-game overlay now moves back on ESC when appropriate rather than closing directly
- Added the date that SteamGuard was enabled in the settings dialog
- Improved handling of international characters
- Fixed several issues with scroll bars in the store and community views
- Fixed forum links opening in external browser windows
- Reduced retail install time when reading from optical disc on Windows XP/Vista
- Removed "/me" chat command, which allowed some users to modify the color of their chat text
- Fixed crash on startup caused by corrupt ClientRegistry.blob file
- Fixed a top crash related to video streaming
- Fixed an issue with cascading menu items
- Fixed issue where some game installers cannot write to the registry
- Fixed screenshots sometimes not showing up in screenshot manager when copied from another Steam installation
- Big Picture: Fixed left/right navigation of game related sections in the in-game overlay
- Big Picture: Fixed default font used by the in-game overlay
- Fixed launching 64-bit games and applications
- When a friend's status changes multiple times consecutively, only the last change will be shown (ie "Friend is now Online", "Friend is now Away" messages)
- Fixed Windows error message "Disk not ready" in game install wizard
- Made the preview image for guides smaller in the overlay
- Caching guide preview images when viewed in the overlay
- Added Ctrl+A select-all for system info text
- Greatly reduced CPU usage and power consumption
- Fixed command-W and other keyboard shortcuts
- Fixed bugs with window management and the Window menu
- Fixed leaks which caused memory usage to increase over time
- Added partial support for Retina displays
- Fixed bug with tooltips showing through Windows
- Notification popups now respond on the first click
- Web page views no longer freeze up after clicking and dragging the mouse
- Clicking the dock icon now brings all Steam windows to the front
deci avem mai multe avantaje decat dezavantaje .. si asta e bine . dar sper sa scoata un update sa elimine idiotenia de mouse fix ca deja ma streseaza trag de mouse zici ca joc pe covor persan . in schimb totul este ok pana acum adica nu mai avem lag etc ... dar am observat o treaba a inceput sa-mi apara celebrul STEAM CONEXION LOST.

Edited by inFe, 17 February 2013 - 02:27 AM.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 08:29 PM

Merge super pe linux acum , si nu ne mai merge noua acum...eu unul joc valve

Posted 16 February 2013 - 08:35 PM

Protocol version 48
Exe version (cstrike)
Exe build: 16:05:41 Jun 15 2009 (4554)
NOUL CS(cel basinos care trebuie sters) se afla in folderul
C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/
VECHIUL CS (versiunea 2009) se afla in folderul
C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/steam_username/counter-strike/
C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/
Acum mai aveti un singur pas de facut (sa setati din Steam Community -> Games Library sa se lanseze vechiul CS) , vedeti pozele de mai jos!

Done , Intrati in joc ! s-ar putea totusi sa trebuiasca sa mai dati USE DEFAULTS la KYEBOARD controls , dar acuma va jucati linistiti macar cu 99 FPS

Edited by Johny.John, 16 February 2013 - 08:36 PM.
Posted 16 February 2013 - 09:19 PM

Set launch options : -nofbo
AM incercat si tot asa imi arata

Posted 16 February 2013 - 09:20 PM

Am o parere proasta fata de update'ul asta , nu mai pot juca cs ca inainte.....Sunt multe schimbari in meniu .... Acum daca vreau sa imi schimb o setare la keyboard/sound/nick-ul daca esti pe un server te va da afara din cs si se va reconnecta.Buna ziua as dori si eu sa stiu daca sunt singurul deci azi dim totul era ok la cstrike steam insa cand am ajuns acasa am vrut sa ma pun sa joc cs deschid steam New update prinr-un alt pack practic acele update mi-au sters toate jocurile de pe steam ma refer la cele instalate am downloaddat cs ce sa vezi Au transformat clientul cstrike intr-o mare porcarie convertita cu hal-life as vrea sa stiu daca sunt singurul caruia ii apare asa
1- Poza Updating Pack - http://s18.postimage...d5/untitled.png
2- Poza Game CSTRIKE - http://postimage.org/image/fn2pimjph/
Ce sa zic o mare porcarie au facut acum nici nu-ti mai vine sa joci pe steam au scos rezolutia 600x400 multe tampenii facute eu ma retrag pe nonsteam
As vrea parerile voastre daca vi s-a intamplat exact ca la mine s-au pareri despre update
Posted 16 February 2013 - 09:39 PM

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