Predictiile referitoare la planurile de lansare ale produselor Apple continua astazi si dupa informatiile despre iPad Mini, iPad 3 si noile iPod Touch/Nano am acum informatii despre iMac si MacBook Pro-ul de 13 inch echipat cu Retina Display. Incep cu noul MacBook Pro 13 cu Retina Display deoarece acesta pare sa fie pregatit pentru o lansare in toamna cand ar urma sa ajunga pe piata la un pret similar cu cel al MacBook Pro-ului normal cu ecran de 13 inch. Analistul care furnizeaza aceste detalii considera ca produsul va atrage atentia celor care vroiau un MacBook Air 13 inch sau un MacBook Pro 13 inch, insa nu vorbim despre o explozie in vanzarile de Mac-uri.
We think consumers who initially planned to purchase the 13” MacBook Pro and Air will turn to the 13” Retina MacBook Pro instead because it has an attractive panel, its price is similar to MacBook Pro and it has a better balance between power consumption and form factor. However, as supply is limited due to panel and assembly yield rate issues, shipment of the 13” Retina MacBook Pro won’t be able to satisfy demand. And we think consumers’ budgets will transfer to new iOS products after Apple launches them, which suggests that overall MacBook shipments will not grow meaningfully on the 13” Retina MacBook Pro.
In ceea ce priveste iMac-ul, lansarea din luna septembrie ste discutabila din cauza unor probleme legate de laminarea ecranului, insa pana la sfarsitul anului Apple ar trebui sa il includa in magazinul sau online. Noul iMac nu va avea Retina Display, insa va avea noile procesoare Intel Ivy Bridge, o noua placa grafica, USB 3.0 si alte cateva modificari minore. Acestea sunt informatiile despre Mac-uri, dar nu stim cat de corecte sunt.
The chances of the new iMac debuting in September are slim. But, judging by the current supply chain situation, it could be rolled out by end-September. [...] [Supply chain] shipments for Mac desktop models will be low due to inventory adjustment in July, and will see the most dramatic MoM rise in August as shipments for the new iMac begin
Parere persoanala: Exact spune si mai sus nici eu nu cred ca va fi o explozie in vanzarile PRO-ului.