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[Software]BSPTwoMAP, Decompile bsp maps for GoldSrc

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File Name: BSPTwoMAP, Decompile bsp maps for GoldSrc

File Submitter: LuciaNnX

File Submitted: 04 May 2020

File Category: Software


The purpose of BSPTwoMap is to decompile a Half-Life BSP file into a MAP file viewable in Valve's Hammer editor. The ultimate goal of this application is to produce something that can be easily recompilable (using Zoner's compile tools) into a working version of the map. In addition, any textures that are stored in the BSP will be extracted into a custom WAD file created by the application.


BSPTwoMap is a command-line application, much like the original compile tools. If you are familiar with these compile tools (HLCSG, HLBSP, etc.), then BSPTwoMap operates in the same way. If you are not familiar, then to run BSPTwoMap you can either a) drag the BSP file over the EXE file or B) open up the command prompt, go to the directory BSPTwoMap is located, and run the application with the appropiate parameters. A console window will open showing the progress of the application, and when it is finished a MAP file will be generated in the same directory as the original BSP file, with the same name.


The following are acceptable command-line switches:
-notextures Do not extract included textures.
-xpcagey Use when the map was compiled with XP-Cagey's tools and optimizers.
-origin N Change the dimensions of created origin brushes to NxNxN.
mapname Name of the BSP to decompile.


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