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[CS16-REQUEST] Plugin amx_who

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IGiveyouHS ;x

IGiveyouHS ;x

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Buna seara as dori si eu un plugin amx_who cu sma+amxx+user.ini.



As dori urmatoarele grade:



      ----- Online Admins -----
      ----- [1] Acces FTP -----
      ----- [2] ManageR -----
      ----- [3] OwneR -----
      ----- [4] Co-OwneR -----
      ----- [5] VeteraN -----
      ----- [6] MaresaL -----
      ----- [7] GeneraL -----
      ----- [8] ColoneL -----
      ----- [9] MaioR -----
      ----- [10] SergenT -----
      ----- [11] SloT -----
      ----- -----



Va multumesc frumos :)



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#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

#define CharsMax(%1)		sizeof %1 - 1
#define time_shower		1.0

#define GROUPS_NAME		11
#define GROUPS_ACCESS		11

#define RRR			255
#define GGG			255
#define BBB			255
#define time_hud		12.0

#define motd_msg		"Admin's Online"

#define who_meniu_ad_group_msg	"\y----- Online Admins -----^n"
#define who_meniu_admin_msg	"\y----- Online Admins -----^n^n"

#define who_meniu_ad_group_msg_bottom	"^n\r0 \yExit"
#define who_meniu_admin_msg_bottom	"^n\r0 \yExit"

#define	who_console_top		"----- Online Admins -----"
#define	who_console_bottom 	"  ----- -----"

new GroupNames[GROUPS_NAME][] = {
	"----- [1] Acces FTP -----",
	"----- [2] ManageR -----",
	"----- [3] OwneR -----",
	"----- [4] Co-OwneR -----",
	"----- [5] VeteraN -----",
	"----- [6] MaresaL -----",
	"----- [7] GeneraL -----",
	"----- [8] ColoneL -----",
	"----- [9] MaioR -----",
	"----- [10] SergenT -----",
	"----- [11] SloT -----"

new GroupFlags[GROUPS_ACCESS][] = {

new GroupFlagsValue[GROUPS_NAME]

new who_type, who_typemeniu, who_typtable

public plugin_init() 
	for(new p_of_pw = 0 ; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
		GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw] = read_flags(GroupFlags[p_of_pw])
	register_clcmd("say /who", "cmdSay")
	register_clcmd("say_team /who", "cmdSay")
	who_type	= register_cvar("cmd_who","1")
	who_typemeniu	= register_cvar("who_typemeniu","1")
	who_typtable	= register_cvar("who_typetable","2")

public cmdSay(id)
	new say[192]
	if(( containi(say, "who") != -1 || containi(say, "admin") != -1 || containi(say, "admins") != -1  || contain(say, "/who") != -1 || contain(say, "/admin") != -1 || contain(say, "/admins") != -1))

public cmdULTMWho(id)
		case 1: who_meniu(id)
		case 2: who_motd(id)
		case 3: who_table(id)
		case 4: who_hud(id)
		case 5: who_console(id)
	return 0

		case 1: who_meniu_admin_groups(id)
		case 2: who_meniu_admin(id)
	return 0
	new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
	new sName[32]
	new szMenu[256], nLen, keys
	nLen = format(szMenu[nLen], 255, who_meniu_ad_group_msg)
	get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
	for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
		nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\r%s^n", GroupNames[p_of_pw])
		for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
			iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
			if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
				get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
				nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\w%s^n", sName)
	nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen, who_meniu_ad_group_msg_bottom)
	keys = (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<9)
	return 0

	new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
	new sName[32]
	new szMenu[256], nLen, keys
	nLen = format(szMenu[nLen], 255, who_meniu_admin_msg)
	get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
	for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
		for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
			iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
			if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
				get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
				nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\r%s^n", sName)
	nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen, who_meniu_admin_msg_bottom)
	keys = (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<9)
	return 0

	new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
	new sName[32], sBuffer[1024]
	new iLen
	iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>")
	get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
	for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
		iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h5><font color=^"red^">%s^n</font></h5></center>", GroupNames[p_of_pw])
		for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
			iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
			if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
				get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
				iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center>%s^n</center>", sName)
	show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg)
	return 0


		case 1: table_style_one(id)
		case 2: table_style_two(id)
	return 0
	new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
	new sName[32], sBuffer[1024]
	new iLen
	iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>")
	iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h3><b><font color=^"red^">NUME			-	ACCES</font></h3></b></center>")
	get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
	for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
		for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
			iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
			if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
				get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
				iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h4><font color=^"white^">%s		%s^n</font></h4></center>", sName, GroupNames[p_of_pw])
	show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg)
	return 0
	new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
	new sName[32], sBuffer[1024]
	new iLen
	iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>")
	iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<html><head><title>a</title></head>")
	iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<br><br><center><body><table border>")
	iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<tr><td><h3><b><font color=^"red^">NUME</td><td></h3></b> <h3><b><font color=^"red^">ACCES</td></h3></font></b></center>")
	get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
	for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
		for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
			iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
			if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
				get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
				iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><tr><td><h4><b><font color=^"white^">%s<td></b></h4> <h4><b><font color=^"white^">%s </td></h4></font></b></center>", sName, GroupNames[p_of_pw])
	iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "</table></body></html>")
	show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg)
	return 0

	new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
	new sName[32], sBuffer[1024]
	new iLen
	get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
	for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
		iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "=== %s ===^n", GroupNames[p_of_pw])
		for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
			iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
			if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
				get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
				iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "%s^n", sName)
	set_hudmessage(RRR, GGG, BBB, 0.02, 0.24, 0, 6.0, time_hud)
	show_hudmessage(id, sBuffer)
	return 0

	new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
	new sName[32]

	get_players(sPlayers, iNum)
	console_print(id, who_console_top)
	for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME; p_of_pw++) 
		for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
			iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
			get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
			if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) 
				console_print(id, "= %d = %s : %s", p_of_pw+1, GroupNames[p_of_pw], sName)
	console_print(id, who_console_bottom)
	return 0
De aici modifici unde vrei sa apara
who_type = register_cvar("cmd_who","1")
1- adminii afiseaza intr-un 'meniu'
2- adminii afiseaza intr-un 'motd'
3- adminii afiseaza 'sub forma unui tabel'
4- adminii afiseaza intr-un 'mesaj hud'
5- adminii afiseaza in 'consola'
; h - amx_cfg command
; i - amx_chat and other chat commands
; j - amx_vote and other vote commands
; k - access to sv_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
; l - access to amx_rcon command and rcon_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
; m - custom level A (for additional plugins)
; n - custom level B
; o - custom level C
; p - custom level D
; q - custom level E
; r - custom level F
; s - custom level G
; t - custom level H
; u - menu access
; z - user (no admin)

; Account flags:
; a - disconnect player on invalid password
; b - clan tag
; c - this is steamid/wonid
; d - this is ip
; e - password is not checked (only name/ip/steamid needed)
; k - name or tag is case sensitive.  eg: if you set it so the name "Ham"
;     is protected and case sensitive (flags "k" only), then anybody
;     can use the names "haM", "HAM", "ham", etc, but not "Ham"

; Password:
; Add to your autoexec.cfg: setinfo _pw "<password>"
; Change _pw to the value of amx_password_field

; Format of admin account:
; <name|ip|steamid> <password> <access flags> <account flags>

; Examples of admin accounts:
; "STEAM_0:0:123456" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "e"
; "" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "e"
; "My Name" "my_password" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"

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