Hello, im trieng to host a server in CS16.ro, but when i open it .... http://prntscr.com/802b34
no thing appears.... white page!
i want to host it free.. and the server name will be ZmHardLife.CS16.ro
If you want to host your Server in CS16Gaming Community, you have to buy a Server, from Krond (32 Slot) or Zeroping (24 Slot).
You can`t host your Server, because you have to buy it from us (CS16Gaming Community).
If you want, you can buy a Server here: https://billing.cs16.ro/cart.php
If you need more help, PM me!
- EDIT: Am discutat cu el (PM) si am rezolvat problema.
- Se poate da T/C!
Edited by "Wiz., 02 August 2015 - 10:57 PM.