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[Reclamation] Luv ya

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In this topic you warned me ( without points ) for post-hunting. Now are you serious or....? If it was hunting post wouldn’t be more logic to past to other galleries of design "Good job" and whatever. If you don’t know the meaning of "post hunting" then find another justification to warn. + What kind of reclamation. I censured every one of them for good , nobody did it for me . They need experienced admins and I gave them the proof , who told you to interfere? I don’t care about the decision to warn you or not from the administrator , but I am warning you with words that you are not doing a good job.



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Luv are dreptate. Ai facut post hunt ;). Nu vad rostul reclamatiei :D

Edited by Luv ya;x, 31 May 2015 - 10:29 AM.
Apreciez DAR in topic posteaza doar reclamantul/reclamatul/administratorul/fondatorii.

Luv ya;x

Luv ya;x

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Nu ai primit warn ci un avertisment.

1.Avand in vedere ca ai fost in acest staff ma asteptam sa sti ca ai buton de edit.

2.Nu stau sa urmaresc pe nimeni cand greseste/daca greseste etc Actiunea mea a fost in urma unui raport primit din partea unui membru ce face parte din administratia serverului in cauza(dr).

3.Daca spui ca ma"avertizezi prin cuvinte"sau ma rog>daca vroiai o discutie aveai pm,nu facem topicuri pentru +1.



P.S:Iti raspund in romana pentru ca aman2 stim ca esti intelegi limba romana.



Astept o decizie.


Nu raspund la provocari asa ca nu va chinuiti sa scrieti romane ca sa ma "atacati"/"enervati" etc,nu va iese.

Edited by Luv ya;x, 31 May 2015 - 11:21 AM.

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If I would understand that good I would be writing it , but listen to me , I censured everything and I don’t need to make post number . I am not looking to become moderator or anything else so I need a lot of post , like for example , the guy that posted up to you..

He didn’t even knew what I writed , he never translated, just posted for post hunt or maybe to look good to the staff eyes.


I censured every reclamation and I was giving them exemples , I was not hunting post and you should know very , very well that I dont need to.


Now You can write in whatever language you want since the forum is .ro but for respect of foreign people you should write minimally english.

You warned for no reason and clearly your mistake.


+Editing it will make no sense since it needed a bumb so people can see that I completed their requests, I posted to explain, +Bumb


+Idk if google translate did his job well this time but you set that you just did what a member reported,  then this is even your mistake since you just did what he set without even understanding the problem.


Now I think I am very clear and respectfully saying , you need to speak english with me if you want me to understand you.

Its a shame writng on your own language when the persone that you are making the conversation doesent understand you.I admit in those 2 years of joining this forum and many others , I expanded my knowleg in this language and in culture but does'nt means that I am from romania or even that I know it , never set that I knew but writed, when was necessary with grammer mistakes as well.


I dont want to write in your language cuz I know that the gramer mistakes are inevitable.

Edited by Mr.ShKoDrA, 31 May 2015 - 03:21 PM.

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I think this topic should be closed already.

I think I explained myself preaty well and I didnt made this topic to warn anybody but only  to show her the mistake she made,

I dont care if she learned anything but as long as I know she is wrong we have no need to continue.

I think we explained each other very well so may You please , Admin , Close this topic.




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O sa scriu in romana, cred ca intelegi. Imi cer scuze pentru raspunsul intarziat, am uitat de acest topic.

Legat de reclama, daca e cum vad eu a cenzurat dns-urile, deci nu e o problema. 

Legat de avertisment, oamenii i-au zis ca nu indeplineste cerintele, el a facut orele si ce mai trebuia si a postat ca sa le spuna. Nu este post-hunt.


Luv ya;x, mai multa atentie in viitor.

  • utzu, da_boomb, LiQuiDz @ CS16 and 5 others like this

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