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Fost Designer
Nick: Demon.
Dimensiune: 150x250
Tip: Avatar
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Accept, alt stock n-ai gasit?
No , imi place stockul ala
PSD: http://s27.postimg.o...z/pimpmycar.png
PSD: http://postimg.org/image/vpag29r6p/
Addicted Member
Vote 2, text, claritate
V2 blur și arată m-ai bine
V1 îmi place textul
Deci votez v2
V2- Blur + Pattern
No Limit Member
v2 # pattern , text
Fost News Team
vote 2
blur , text , border .
Stop vot. Au trecut 24h.
Castigator Demon. 6-0
Felicitari Crackz.
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