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Text 1 :
Text 2 :
In loc de smoke o sa pun numele vostru, si evident in loc de evolution o sa pun Cs16.ro
Text 1 : Antonia
Text 2 : Evolution.cs16.ro
Edited by G0dzIla., 19 May 2013 - 06:55 PM.
Text 1 :sDNNN# aim GOD
Text 2 :Free.cs16.ro
Text 1 : We make the difference! (daca se poate) daca nu agN@
Text 2 : WORLD.CS16.Ro
Text 1 : DrW #
Text 2 : Fondator - ProfessionalCS
Text 1 : ZM.CS16.RO
Text 2 : Connect US!
Text 1 : SpLitT
Text 2 : ZM.CS16.RO
Text 1: FloriN ;x
Text 2: The Best In The World
Text 1 : TroubleMan
Text 2 : CS16Gaming
P.S.:Daca poti accentueaza putin textul
Text 1 :
Text 2 :
Text 1 :connect
Text 2 :LSD.cs16.ro
Text 1 : gRan!T
Text 2 : Cs16Gaming
Text 1 :rDK.
Text 2 :Pur Si Simplu!?
Text 1 : contEEE @ CS16
Text 2 : It's Simpleeee !
Text 1: The Best Server Clasic daca se poate culoarea asa
Tesxt 2: VIP.CS16.RO -//- asa
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