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Denisa ;x

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Deviati de la subiect , numai postati aiurea.Faceti topic nou daca nu va convine ceva
Nu`i nimic ionut

Aceasta postare a fost editata de ~denisa~: 26 November 2012 - 06:07 PM



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Scuze ca am postat dupa tine denisa....



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Nick admin:JB # cLauDiu*[:X]
De cand, pana cand lipsesti:De pe 28 pana pe 2 Decembrie
Motiv:am nevoie de o pauza + ca ma duc la nunta lui varamiu..
Multumesc anticipat!

Denisa ;x

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Distractie placuta

Denisa ;x

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Aceasta postare a fost editata de Archangel: 28 May 2013 - 11:23 PM

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Denisa ;x

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Din ce am inteles de la ts! la majoritatea va da eroarea santahat.mdl si de aceea multi dintre voi nu pot vedea 2 demo-uri , sau la altii nu au harta respectiva.
Chiar atat de greu este sa dati o cautare pe Google si sa descarcati fisierele respective?
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[30/11/2012 - 07:32:23] [dani] [Command: "amx_transfer AdyTzuuuuu::=D terorist"]
Pana muti tu cu aceasta comanda trece timpul hartii :P.
[30/11/2012 - 07:19:13] [dani] [Command: "amx_quit "]
Asa iesi tu direct din joc? Sau da tot serverul afara aceasta comanda? ;))
[30/11/2012 - 07:16:46] [dani] [Command: "amx_changemap "]
Banuiesc ca pentru aceasta comanda trebuie sa ai o legatura telepatica cu serverul ca sa schimbi plansa =))
[29/11/2012 - 23:05:45] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Noroc Lioaha"]
[29/11/2012 - 23:05:45] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Noroc Lioaha "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:05:46] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Noroc Lioaha "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:05:46] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Noroc Lioaha "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:05:46] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Noroc Lioaha "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:05:47] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Noroc Lioaha "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:05:47] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Noroc Lioaha "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:05:48] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Noroc Lioaha "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:05:49] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Noroc Lioaha "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:06:06] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green CF wa"]
[29/11/2012 - 23:06:17] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green CF wa "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:06:17] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green CF wa "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:06:18] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green CF wa "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:06:44] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green ::D"]
[29/11/2012 - 23:07:12] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Maine la dunga sa te vad la scoala .. OK ?"]
[29/11/2012 - 23:07:13] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Maine la dunga sa te vad la scoala .. OK ? "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:07:13] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Maine la dunga sa te vad la scoala .. OK ? "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:07:14] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Maine la dunga sa te vad la scoala .. OK ? "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:07:14] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Maine la dunga sa te vad la scoala .. OK ? "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:07:16] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Maine la dunga sa te vad la scoala .. OK ? "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:07:26] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green >D "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:07:43] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green :D"]
[29/11/2012 - 23:07:55] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green dC? "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:08:04] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green dC?"]
[29/11/2012 - 23:08:12] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green ce e maine"]
[29/11/2012 - 23:08:25] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green ce e maine "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:08:26] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green ce e maine "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:08:26] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green ce e maine "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:08:43] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green aaaaaaa"]
[29/11/2012 - 23:08:52] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Da io is din Moldova"]
[29/11/2012 - 23:08:54] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Da io is din Moldova "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:08:56] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Da io is din Moldova "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:08:57] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Da io is din Moldova "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:08:57] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Da io is din Moldova "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:09:28] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Moldova Rulet "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:09:29] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Moldova Rulet "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:09:30] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Moldova Rulet "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:09:30] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Moldova Rulet "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:09:30] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Moldova Rulet "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:09:31] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Moldova Rulet "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:09:31] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Moldova Rulet "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:09:32] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Moldova Rulet "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:09:32] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Moldova Rulet "]
[29/11/2012 - 23:09:34] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Moldova Rulet "]
Deci prietenul tau nu prea are atributie distribuitiva sa poata vedea scrisul de pe "all chat" nu? Si trebuie sa ii scrii pe centru si colorat, cred ca are probleme si cu distingerea culorilor ;))
  • Drunk3r likes this

aIM.dLL @

aIM.dLL @

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=))=))=)):)) Dani ..:))=))




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[29/11/2012 - 22:41:01] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_ss boga"]
[29/11/2012 - 22:41:08] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_ss boga 4"]
[29/11/2012 - 22:41:20] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_ss 4 boga"]
[29/11/2012 - 22:41:36] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_ss BoGa 3"]
[29/11/2012 - 22:41:49] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_ss 3 BoGa"]
Deci pana la urma care e verdictul? Are sau nu cod? =))
[29/11/2012 - 22:08:35] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_votemap de_kabul32 awp_bycastor32 de_train32"]
[29/11/2012 - 22:18:08] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Nu e voie pe mapa . slay/kick"]
[29/11/2012 - 22:18:09] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Nu e voie pe mapa . slay/kick "]
Pe care din planse nu e voie? Ca eu nu pot sa intru la regulament. :P :))
[29/11/2012 - 19:49:21] [Hanibal Lector] [Command: "amx_gag [^L R^]-Tw1sT "]
[29/11/2012 - 19:49:35] [Hanibal Lector] [Command: "amx_gag [^L R^]-Tw1sT "]
Pentru ce i-ai dat gag aici si pentru cat timp? Stiu, nu a zis nimic si i-ai dat gag :P, sigur asta e motivul :))
[29/11/2012 - 17:42:59] [aIM.dLL] [Command: "amx_status "]
Ce iti arata aceasta comanda? Iti arata cumva toate datele personale? Ca e prea tare daca arata asta ;))
[29/11/2012 - 18:15:44] [aIM.dLL] [Command: "amx_transfer aim spec"]
Cu aceasta comanda te pui arbitru? Ai licenta sa arbitrezi? Nu iti mai place player? ;))
[28/11/2012 - 22:51:22] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Immuna .enerveazate si ucidei pe toti "]
[28/11/2012 - 22:51:23] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Immuna .enerveazate si ucidei pe toti "]
[28/11/2012 - 22:51:23] [Dubstep.] [Command: "amx_csay green Immuna .enerveazate si ucidei pe toti "]
Inteleg ca esti din Moldova, dar la voi nu se face gramatica? ;))



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Denisa ;x

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Deci asta e chiar trist....



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Denisa ;x

Denisa ;x

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asta e si mai trist:)))




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:)))))deci asta e cea mai tare faza pe care am auzito la cs..:))))=))) GG Hanibal esti cel mai tare..:)))



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Joker - plecat

tequila - inactiv de peste o saptamana ->

geo - inactiv de peste 2 saptamani (are 2 ore jucate de cand s-a trecut la 32 slot-uri) ->

alexx - inactiv de o luna de zile si are 15 minute jucate pe server ->

k4zz - o ora pe server , inactiv de o saptamana ->

sp1nk - 6 ore jucate , inactivitate mare ->

mr ownage - 1 ora pe server , inactiv de o saptamana ->

Maaa --> http://www.2shared.c...2rn1t/maaa.html
2 corecte , 2 gresite , 1 nici el nu stie :))

dani --> http://www.2shared.c...SHMA/danii.html
2 corecte , 1 partial corecta , 1 gresita , 1 neconcludenta

Dubstep. --> http://www.2shared.c...AZ/dubstep.html
3 corecte , 2 gresite

drunk3r --> http://www.2shared.c...sZ/drunk3r.html
3 corecte , 2 gresite

pgt*bobo --> http://www.2shared.c...jz_51/bobo.html
2 gresite , 2 corecte , 1 partial corecta

aim.dll --> http://www.2shared.c...Oug/aimdll.html
3 corecte ,1 partial corecta , 1 gresita

le**me --> http://www.2shared.c...Z4rm/le_me.html
2 corecte , 3 gresite

allexutssu -->http://www.2shared.c...llexuttssu.html
2 gresite , 2 corecte , 1 partial corecta

cyclonnne --> http://www.2shared.c...RR/cyclone.html
4 corecte , 1 partial corecta

hanibal lector --> http://www.2shared.c...1u/hanibal.html
va las pe voi sa decideti..

claudiu [x]--> http://www.2shared.c...IC/claudiu.html
3 corecte , 2 gresite

no maa? --> http://www.2shared.c...o7G/no_maa.html

t3t# --> http://www.2shared.c...dYAjew/t3t.html
3 corecte ,2 gresite

Aceasta postare a fost editata de ts.: 05 January 2013 - 12:22 PM

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Denisa ;x

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Deci trebuie sa apreciez ca vati strufocat foarte tare cu demo-urile alea , deci chiar am ramas foarte surprinsa cate pm-uri am primit.Felicitari

1. Jb # Claudiu -->
2. Drunker -->
3. Aim.dll -->
4. Cyclonne -->

Acum , sa va explic cum erau demo-urile: [ Demo-urile 2, 3 , 6, si 7 sunt facute de ts! ]

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Catalina ;x: 03 January 2013 - 09:20 PM
munca noastra

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Denisa ;x

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Felicitari celor 4 , care totusi s-au obosit sa se uite peste ele si felicitari care le-au nimerit cat de cat.
Celor care nici macar nu au dat pe la Staff Only vor avea remove.Acest test se va mai repeta peste cateva saptamani.

Joker e plecat , Ionut are probleme cu calculatorul. Restul remove -->
Si 3 admini au primit upgrade -->

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Catalina ;x: 03 January 2013 - 09:20 PM

Denisa ;x

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4. Maaa --> [ Stiam ca intri de la sala , nu era nevoie sa postezi , oricum apreciez ca ti-ai dat interesul ]
5. la furat --> [ Esti admin nou , nu ma asteptam si nu aveam pretentia de la tine sa faci acest test ]

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Catalina ;x: 03 January 2013 - 09:34 PM
munca noastra




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[02/12/2012 - 01:03:38] [Joker] [Command: "amx_votemap fy_snow dust_2"]
Dust_2 este plansa de 2 sloturi? ;))
[01/12/2012 - 21:46:56] [Maaa] [Command: "amx_blind giu"]
[01/12/2012 - 21:47:17] [Maaa] [Command: "amx_unbind giu"]
Se pare ca nu e codar daca i-ai dat unblind ;))
[01/12/2012 - 19:45:54] [Denisa] [Command: "amx_ssay Caut partener de dans , preferabil peste 20 de ani"]
[01/12/2012 - 19:45:54] [Denisa] [Command: "amx_ssay Caut partener de dans , preferabil peste 20 de ani "]
[01/12/2012 - 19:46:29] [ts!!] [Command: "amx_ssay Caut mireasa , nu-s pretentios"]
[01/12/2012 - 19:46:29] [ts!!] [Command: "amx_ssay Caut mireasa , nu-s pretentios "]
[01/12/2012 - 19:47:22] [Denisa] [Command: "amx_Ssay Caut sot , peste 20 de ani , destept , frumos si cu bani.preferabil sa nu aiba am nevoie de soacre"]
[01/12/2012 - 19:47:23] [Denisa] [Command: "amx_Ssay Caut sot , peste 20 de ani , destept , frumos si cu bani.preferabil sa nu aiba am nevoie de soacre "]
Cum cautati daca dati cu amx_ssay? :P Acum se accepta si matimoniale pe server? ;)) Babe cu 1 episod si cu bani nu gasesc si eu? =))
[01/12/2012 - 17:23:00] [lafurat] [Command: "amx_camo lafurat"]
Ce hot esti lafurat, nu iti place sa dai bani ;))

Aceasta postare a fost editata de lap->Flag.Cs16.Ro: 02 December 2012 - 02:04 AM




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[01/12/2012 - 17:18:46] [lafurat] [Command: "amx_screenshot lafurat 2"]
Nu e prea complicata aceasta comanda? Oare cine (Denisa) a pus-o? ;))
[01/12/2012 - 15:35:16] [ts!!] [Command: "amx_ "]
Asa dai comenzi invizibile? ;))
[01/12/2012 - 16:03:26] [ts!!] [Command: "amx_addadmin "]
Si ai facut adminul acesta? ;)) Pe ce nick? :))
[01/12/2012 - 15:19:34] [Razvan] [Command: "amx_virus "]
[01/12/2012 - 15:19:38] [Razvan] [Command: "amx_fuck "]
[01/12/2012 - 15:19:41] [Razvan] [Command: "amx_destroy "]
Hmm...ce comenzi tari au adminii noi :P. Ce trebuie sa fac ca sa am si eu acces la ele? As vrea mai mult la aia cu amx_fuck ;))
[01/12/2012 - 13:12:50] [AllExUttSsu.] [Command: "amx_spectate AllExUttSsu."]
Vezi ts?? Baiatu avea dreptate cu aceasta comanda. Asa se bage el spectator invizibil =))
[01/12/2012 - 04:15:52] [Denisa] [Command: "amx_mp sv_mptimelimit 0"]
[01/12/2012 - 04:16:00] [Denisa] [Command: "amx_cvar sv_mptimelimit 0"]
Daca esti manager ai comenzi facute special pentru gardul lor, sunt facute special sa mearga doar la manageri =))

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