o Intrebare de ce nu schimbati si voi stocku si renderu de la semnatura ? ca am vazut ca e acelasi de mult timp
[CS16] Staff apply
Posted 31 March 2014 - 11:31 PM
Posted 31 March 2014 - 11:40 PM
o Intrebare de ce nu schimbati si voi stocku si renderu de la semnatura ? ca am vazut ca e acelasi de mult timp
Poate ca cei care l-au ales , s-au gandit ca acel render si acel stock o sa ajute sa-i deosebeasca pe cei care stiu sa lucreze fata de cei care cred ca stiu sa lucreze. Nu cred ca ar trebui sa fie o problema pentru voi cand o sa se schimbe.
- nExow, \SNAPPLE/, fantassy and 1 other like this
Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:17 AM
Da , este un stock si un render ( stock-ul este usor de facut cu el , dar trebuii sa redimensionezi perfect) iar la semnatura cu render , aia il ajuta pe nexow sa vada daca poti lucra pe orice render ti se da , deoarece la cereri daca ti se pune un render asemanator ce faci ? Nu raspunzi la cereri ? Ti s-ar pune inactivitate si dupaia ai pueta ajunge la remove... sper ca te-am ajutat
Edited by Boyka.cfg, 01 April 2014 - 08:17 AM.
Posted 01 April 2014 - 10:12 AM
Da , este un stock si un render ( stock-ul este usor de facut cu el , dar trebuii sa redimensionezi perfect) iar la semnatura cu render , aia il ajuta pe nexow sa vada daca poti lucra pe orice render ti se da , deoarece la cereri daca ti se pune un render asemanator ce faci ? Nu raspunzi la cereri ? Ti s-ar pune inactivitate si dupaia ai pueta ajunge la remove... sper ca te-am ajutat
Aberezi,daca nu sti despre ce e vorba mai bine te abtii.
Render-ele vor fi schimbate periodic insa am considerat ca pentru cei care isi reincearca norocul sa fie aceleasi rendere.
Momentan raman aceste rendere pentru ca ma ajuta pe mine in primul rand sa fac diferentele intre cei care sunt avansati si intre cei care sunt incepatori.Mai nou chiar si cei care s-au apucat de photoshop editeaza cu usurinta stock-urile datorita tutorialelor si sfaturilor primite,de aceea renderul este cea mai buna solutie de a observa experienta si vechimea.
- Stinger, BONDOS, cosmin701 and 4 others like this
Posted 02 April 2014 - 02:24 PM
Posted 10 April 2014 - 04:01 PM
It have passed 1 mouth from my request of Deisgner ! I have been waiting for a lot of time but i didnt have an answear !
When i will hav ethe answear of my request !?
Posted 10 April 2014 - 04:05 PM
You need wait , because need verification your's personal messages , your's notification , information's about you, your's Gallery and more .
Edited by Legend ;x, 10 April 2014 - 04:05 PM.
- KrippeN.=DD and Mr.KiLL _ KiLL like this
Posted 10 April 2014 - 04:40 PM
And one mouth !?Seriosly !? I know that are more than 20 requests but 1 mouth i think that was enought ! I dont think that can wait even more !
Is a little too much to wait 1 mouth ! When i did the first time of my request have passed just one day to respin me ,So !?
Posted 10 April 2014 - 05:06 PM
And one mouth !?Seriosly !? I know that are more than 20 requests but 1 mouth i think that was enought ! I dont think that can wait even more !
Is a little too much to wait 1 mouth ! When i did the first time of my request have passed just one day to respin me ,So !?
I hope that if you´ll get the acces of Designer will continue with this interest
If all of us could wait that month I dont know why you can´t, be patient .
Posted 10 April 2014 - 05:28 PM
I hope that if you´ll get the acces of Designer will continue with this interest
If all of us could wait that month I dont know why you can´t, be patient .
You have reason ! Here in Albania tells "I duruari i fituari" so the patient,the winer but i think that i have been patient for a lot of time !
You know that i maybe can be accuzed because of inactivity ! And this is tru because to an romunian forum is a little difficle for me and always was activ on my gallery and fights but i cannot post everyday on my gallery because the design is not the only thing that i do ! You must understand me !
I am sure that 1 mouths and for you will not be that patient but i have that in one week and administrator or founder will maybe answeer me !
Posted 10 April 2014 - 05:44 PM
You have reason ! Here in Albania tells "I duruari i fituari" so the patient,the winer but i think that i have been patient for a lot of time !
You know that i maybe can be accuzed because of inactivity ! And this is tru because to an romunian forum is a little difficle for me and always was activ on my gallery and fights but i cannot post everyday on my gallery because the design is not the only thing that i do ! You must understand me !
I am sure that 1 mouths and for you will not be that patient but i have that in one week and administrator or founder will maybe answeer me !
First of all, PLEASE write all words correctly, it´s being difficult to understand what you want to say.
Nobody can acces the forum 24/24 H, but if you want to help us with design you have to work and show what you can do almost everyday. Copy me ?
What do you think, that we are bots without life ? No, we do lots of things outside this forum too, so be cool.
I´ll say one more time, Administrators and Owners have to verify all your movements on this forum and make sure you are eligible for this place, there are a lot of applications which have to be checked up, don´t be rude and respect the work of that people who lose their time doing that.
one mouth maybe was enought !
MONTH ! NOT MOUTH ... You are talking about time not bodys parts.
Edited by SwanX, 10 April 2014 - 06:17 PM.
- Fusion. likes this
Posted 10 April 2014 - 06:13 PM
First of all, PLEASE write all words correctly, it´s being difficult to understand what you want to say.
Nobody can acces the forum 24/24 H, but if you want to help us with design you have to work and show what you can do almost everyday. Copy me ?
What do you think, that we are bots without life ? No, we do lots of things outside this forum too, so be cool.
I´ll say one more time, Administrators and Owners have to verify all your movements on this forum and make sure you are eligible for this place, there are a lot of applications which have to be checked up, don´t be rude and respect the work of that people who lose their time doing that.
I dident not show unrespect my friend ! And how i told you must understand me ! This is not like policy with you needs to take information about my life !
I am not saying to accept me ! I just want to answear ! i have never showed unrespect here ! I told you that for my opinion, one mouth maybe was enought !
Dont show my post like a critic ! I am just asking so when i will have the answeear ! As you know, a member dont have acces to see the pros/contras !
I was just asking where i will get the respons ,nothing more !
Edited by Mr.ShKoDrA, 10 April 2014 - 06:15 PM.
Posted 10 April 2014 - 07:49 PM
I dident not show unrespect my friend ! And how i told you must understand me ! This is not like policy with you needs to take information about my life !
I am not saying to accept me ! I just want to answear ! i have never showed unrespect here ! I told you that for my opinion, one mouth maybe was enought !
Dont show my post like a critic ! I am just asking so when i will have the answeear ! As you know, a member dont have acces to see the pros/contras !
I was just asking where i will get the respons ,nothing more !
With all my respect, we can't decide that, the leader can't decide that . It's up to you . You need to be patient . Rushing up like this says something like : "Omfgofmfgogmfg where dfqz ma rank i wait too long for this no rank no me happy fck mah life" . Just, be patient .
Posted 10 April 2014 - 08:37 PM
Am vrut sa-mi iau si eu News Team si am complectat tot si imi dadea ceva eroare cu " ooppss nu stiu ce " ... ce poate avea ?
Posted 10 April 2014 - 08:42 PM
Am vrut sa-mi iau si eu News Team si am complectat tot si imi dadea ceva eroare cu " ooppss nu stiu ce " ... ce poate avea ?
Este de la browserul tau.. poti face un print?
Posted 10 April 2014 - 08:43 PM
da , stai sa fac dinou cererea , si dau edit si las print-ul
Edited by MAF <3, 10 April 2014 - 08:58 PM.
Posted 10 April 2014 - 09:01 PM
Posted 14 November 2014 - 08:47 PM
Au fost sters toate aplicatiile, iar la design s-au adaugat noi imagini.
- KiNG. and -khasdarr like this
Posted 14 November 2014 - 08:49 PM
Au fost sters toate aplicatiile, iar la design s-au adaugat noi imagini.
Eu am deja o aplicatie de ieri si erau aceleasi imagini cu leul si "zeul" acela . Si nu a fost stearsa ..
Posted 14 November 2014 - 08:54 PM
Abia astazi s-au sters , Don Baxter
Eu am deja o aplicatie de ieri si erau aceleasi imagini cu leul si "zeul" acela . Si nu a fost stearsa ..
Acum este mai liber Staff Apply-ul .
Cei care va pricepeti , si aveti activitate , va propun sa faceti un apply , nu musca, va zic eu !
Si cum toata lumea asteapta 1 luna , puteti astepta si voi !
- COSMIN @CS16 and danyms like this
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